
The Meaning of the 1st House in Vedic Astrology


Meaning of the 1st House

The first house represents you, the self, general appearance, the birth itself, bodily constitution, overall strength or weakness of the birth chart, positive or negative attitude, good or bad intention, confidence or diffidence, status, honor or dishonor, livelihood, recognition and vitality.

Bodily proportion, complexion, hair, skin, beard, health or disease, happiness or sorrow, fame, renown, personal characteristics, residence abroad or in foreign lands, splendor, dignity, victory over enemies, birth place and circumstances, sleep & dreams, conduct, diplomacy, tact, longevity, peace of mind, wealth or loss, subject to insult or criticism, active or inactive, treatment of other beings, respect or lack of respect, business ability, life circumstances, customs and tradition, social level (varna), determination or lack of determination, idiosyncrasies, tendencies, eccentricities, habits, mode of behavior or nature, merit or demerit, perception, power.
Body part — head